Owen Sound Farmers' Market

Complete your grocery list with locally grown produce, meat, eggs, and baked goods. Satiate your hunger with coffee, breakfast, lunch or snacks. Shop for pottery, artwork, books, cards, jewelry, soaps and much more! Meet the people who make the goods and support a local producer! You can now access this market online at https://www.localline.ca/owensoundfarmersmarket
114 8th Street East
Owen Sound, ON N4K 1K8
Phone Number: (519) 371-3433
Email: [email protected]
Acadian Shamrock Farm, Bolle Farm, David Crowther Greenhouses, Dykstra Orchards, Earth Bound Gardens, Grange Hollow Gardens & Nursery, Hill Farms Market, Luckhardt Nursery, Saugeen River CSA, T&R Jones Family Farm, Toebes Farms, Chatsworth Honey, Kemble Mountain Roastery, Miners’ Maple Products, Rallis Olive Oil, Sophii’s Choice All Natural Dog Treats, Salves & Soaps, Springhill Emu Natural Health Products, Stoney Keppel Bison, Sunnyside Honey and The Gingerbread Lady.